Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pictures of the Red Sox vs. Rockies - June 2010

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Isabelle, Makaylah, and little Sarah Riding Their Bikes in Enoch, UT

This is Isabelle, Makaylah and their friend Sarah riding their bikes in a church parking lot in Enoch, UT over the 2010 Memorial Day weekend.

As you can see Isabelle is a little daredevil and has taken to biking just like she did when learning to walk. She got going and never stopped.

Makaylah on the other hand really likes to use her brakes...

Enjoy the video!
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More Pictures to share from June 27, 2010


Isabelle is such a good BIG sister. She is loving and caring towards everyone, but her little sister is someone very special to her!

Pictures of the girls going to Church on June 27, 2010

Isabelle and Makaylah

Makaylah looks up to her sister so much! Despite all of the trouble she gives her sister, she loves her so much. She is ALWAYS trying to hug her big sister!

More Pcitures to share...


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

The girls were at Becky's since her parents are in town from Norway. We had a little Easter Egg hunt that went very quickly, as the girls were dying to run around and get more candy. We tried to get as many photos as we could, but it was tough. They're getting so big and FAST!

After that we went inside and opened up some candy. Nana and Best Far brought candy from Norway so that was exciting for them.

Once they were done, Nana went and started getting them ready for bed and I went and spoke to with Finn and Becky about trying to finalize the divorce papers. It was awkward, but it went alright. I committed to trying and having things filed before they left (04/18/2010), but it might be difficult. Becky said a couple of time she wasn't sure if she wanted to go 50-50 on the custody, which is awkward because I currently have them about 80-85% of the time. Who knows! The important thing is that Isabelle and Makaylah are taken care of. After's little details.